A database containing information from Brazil on the COVID-19 epidemiological condition. It provides information on the number of cases, deaths, and recoveries for each Brazilian region, municipality, and state.
A data table with 17 variables and multiple rows:
- regiao
Regions of Brazil
- estado
Federative units (UF) of Brazil
- municipio
Municipalities of Brazil
- coduf
UF code
- codmun
Brazilian municipality code
- cod_regiao_saude
Health region code
- nome_regiao_saude
Health region name
- data
Notification date in year-month-day format (yyyy-mm-dd)
- semana_epi
Epidemiological week
- populacao_tcu2019
Population estimates sent to the TCU (2019)
- casos_acumulado
Total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 that were registered by the Municipal and State Health Departments in the period considered
- casos_novos
Number of new confirmed cases of COVID-19 that were registered by the Municipal and State Health Departments in relation to the previous day
- obitos_acumulado
Total number of deaths from COVID-19 that were registered by the Municipal and State Health Departments in the period considered
- obitos_novos
Number of new deaths confirmed from COVID-19 that were registered by the Municipal and State Health Departments in relation to the previous day
- recuperadosnovos
Number of new COVID-19 recoveries that were registered by the Municipal and State Health Departments in relation to the previous day
- em_acompanhamento_novos
Number of new COVID-19 hospitalizations that were registered by the Municipal and State Health Departments in relation to the previous day
- interior_metropolitana
Label for inland or metropolitan region